This is a nice make-ahead-for-the-week breakfast to help avoid high carb cereals and fruit shakes and smoothies for those with blood sugar regulation issues like ADD.

Preheat oven to 350 deg.

Butter large (11 cup) glass casserole container (that has a lid – for storage later).

In a large skillet …
In lge 8-c mixing bowl….
saute until soft 1 medium onion (finely chopped)
(Optional: diced pepper, turkey ham, turkey bacon, shallots)After well softened, add in 10 oz thawed, chopped and drained spinach.
(Optional: left-over veggies, broccoli, asparagus) (I leave frozen veggies out over night to thaw.)
Continue sauteing until moisture has all evaporated.
combine 5(-7) eggs,
3 cups grated cheese (sharp cheddar, mex mix, etc.),
2 tsp vinegar,
(Optional: Dill, Basil, Mustard (prepared))

Add skillet contents to egg mixture, mix well and pour into casserole dish.

(Optional: Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top)

Bake in preheated oven at 350 deg until eggs have set (about 30 minutes)

Allow to cool 10 minutes before serving. Slice and store in ‘fridg for quick easy low-carb meal (heat up in toaster oven). Top with sour cream or butter.



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