My clients often report that their journey back to health ’rounded the corner’ when they eliminated gluten or carbs.   I have also found that low-carbing is a sound approach to address blood sugar related diseases such as cancer, ADD ADHD, diabetes, chronic fatigue, etc.   Avoiding all grains is very difficult in our culture so I want to offer suggestions for beginners.  First, modern grains have been hybridized so the end result benefits the producer’s profits, not the consumer’s digestion.  Unfortunately many are GMO (genetically modified) and this may be the reason so many are reporting sensitivity to these franken-foods.   I also believe that it is the improper handling of grains which has created a multitude of health and weight problems.

You need to know that many of the low-carb foods as well as discussion boards and books promote highly chemicalized or otherwise franken-foods in the interest of increasing protein or reducing carbs.  These include many of the protein powders added to sweet smoothies.  If you are very sick, don’t do these things to your liver.  Remember this phrase:

Whole foods make whole people.

That said, what can we do?  The most important ingredient for success is be prepared BEFORE you are hungry, with good choices.  Here are some starters.



Breakfast is where most of our children spike their blood sugar so they cannot concentrate by the time they get to school.  We need quick and easy real food (sounds like an oxymoron, but all we need do is prep ahead of time).  Some ideas….

Turkey Bacon.  Bake up a whole package – no wait, two packages – on cookie sheets in the oven.  Bake at about 375 deg for about 25 minutes or until your oven makes them nice and crispy.  Then store in an air-tight container in the ‘fridg.  These can be reheated in the toaster oven or eaten as a snack instead of chips or when running out the door.  My little clients consider this a treat.

Eggs any style.  Have hard-boiled eggs always available.  To make them interesting you can stuff them with hummus (see below).   One egg has about 6 grams of protein.  Certainly a good food eaten anytime even before bed for those with hypoglycemic tendencies and wake in the middle of the night.  These can be made into egg salad and spread on the sprouted grain breads below.

Crustless egg quiche.  Make Sunday night and you have enough for breakfasts for the week.  Just reheat in toaster oven in the morning (or at work), grab and go.  This is even good cold.   The recipe allows for lots of variations according to your tastes so each week can be different.


Lunches, Snacks and beyond

Bean dips, like hummus, are a nice wheat alternative.  They are slow carb, high fiber and have some protein and added good fats to sustain us.   Great Northern white beans and Cannellini Beans are neutral for all blood-types unlike the  garbanzo beans or chick peas which are traditionally used in making hummus.  Again, the key is having alternatives prepared ahead of time, for snacks or quick meals or to pack-and-go.  This makes a great veggie dip, but I’d advise having prepared veggies for after school snacks.

Sprouted Grain breads.  Americans flounder and spazz at the idea of life-without-bread therefore it is important to have alternatives on hand that are tasty.  On the blood-type diet for all blood types, the sprouted-wheat Ezekiel bread is not considered inflammatory, but it is not low-carb either.  A good source for sprouted-grain low carb breads is Julian Bakery.  Their Manna from Heaven is my favorite (2 gm carb/slice) although I have not tasted all of them.  They have a 1-gram carb/slice bread which is also good.  These breads also introduce lots of fiber which aides in blood sugar regulation.

Chicken/Turkey/Tuna salad.  Again thinking ahead solves many eating dilemmas.  These kinds of things need be kept on hand for after school snacks or a quick meal before running out to the game.



Standard fare for low-carb non-breakfast meals is grilled chicken/turkey/fish in a veggie salad with an oil and vinegar dressing.  Consider your usual dinner fare omitting pasta, bread, potatoes, soy and sugar.

I’ll keep adding to this list but you can start with these.


One Response to Easy Low-Carb Ideas

  1. Cindy Hailey says:

    Hi, Pat,
    I just looked up the Julian Bread and the closest places I found selling it are in Richmond. We go to Richmond a few times/ month so that’s doable, but before we go that route, do you know if there are any local stores selling it?
    By the way, I am loving your compensation ideas/suggestions…we’ve made so many changes over the past few years, but I’m finding that while helpful, they require a lot of my time in the kitchen, and unfortunately, come with a hidden attachment of, “If you don’t continue w/ this you’re a slacker”, mentality. So, for people like me, who have been looking for an easier way, this is really great stuff. THANK YOU, for all the time you have put into your reasearch and into making it understandable and doable for all of us.
    Blessings to you!

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