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About Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented black tea, Jun is a fermented green tea. Each require their own culture or starter which looks like a white rubbery pancake, called a […]
One of the first natural kitchen remedies that made a big difference in the way I felt was cabbage juice. It felt so good in my stomach and at the […]
This is a nice make-ahead-for-the-week breakfast to help avoid high carb cereals and fruit shakes and smoothies for those with blood sugar regulation issues like ADD.
Preheat oven to […]
This soup is great for nourishment period!! Specific applications include a tender or damaged GI tract. For example, enjoy this when the appetite returns after a GI flu episodes, […]
Energy fuels healing. The ability to turn what we eat and drink into energy is the key to getting well. However, often with serious diagnoses, the digestion has long been […]
Cultured dairy products have long been shown beneficial in reversing degenerative disease. In the mid 1950’s, Dr. Budwig began her long and meticulous research on the importance of essential fatty […]
Chia seeds have been a staple food source for the American Native people for centuries (long before the Chia Pet hit the market). Aztec warriors would eat chia during hunting […]
Cilantro is said to help the body excrete neurotoxins like mercury, cadmium and lead in the urine. And this delicious dip/spread makes it delicious to detox.
2 cups packed fresh […]
This is so simple that I thought I wouldn’t need to post the recipe, BUT so many women suffer needlessly and take toxic drugs that imbalance their overall health that […]
Kefir is like liquid yoghurt. It is a cultured milk product. Kefir tastes a little like buttermilk (to me). Real kefir is tart, frothy and teeming with beneficial microbes – […]
Often people tell me that they know they don’t drink enough water. I find that people have a distaste for water because plain water imbalances them in some way. This […]
Odor on the body usually comes from the breakdown and removal of dead tissue by microbes tasked with that responsibility. This is an important function and addressing this internally would […]
To protect the skin from the sun and reverse a cancerous process, mix up the following solution:
1 cup water,
2-3 rounded teaspoons Vit C Ascorbates and
Why make your own kraut? Because commercially available kraut has been pasteurized which kills the beneficial bacteria that make real kraut SO therapeutic. Pasteurization has to be done to extend […]
The foods on our plates can be considered medicine. These mild remedies can help with minor imbalances. Major imbalances correct with a LOT of foods, OR with a lesser […]
Consider this…..
I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.** Important Warning **
Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)
** Important Posts **
- ► I Went to the Doctor and the Doctor Said…
- ► THE Technical Info on the Herbs
- ► Uh oh, what was I supposed to do when I think I’m getting sick?
- ► Fatigue: The Mother of All Disease
- ► Uh oh, my kid is sick again
- ► Childhood Disorders (ADHD, Behavior Disorders, etc.)
- ► Too Busy to do Healthy
- ► Of Drugs, OTCs and Black Electrical Tape
- ► Pat’s book – Spiritual Disciplines for Physical and Emotional Healing
In case you were wondering..
B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.** Join the Discussion **
This website is a work in progress and a sharing tool. Feel free to use the comment forms to share your tried and true 'something natural'.