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There is a lot of information that a person needs to make an informed decision before going through life-threatening treatment. I’ve outlined some considerations on this post.
The lumen, or contents of our intestines, principally contains…
What we ate (in some state of being reduced to absorbable nutrients), What we drank Digestive secretions to adjust pH […]
Light is energy. Energy is needed to heal. Energy can penetrate into tissues to the blood, and, some tissues where blood may not be able to reach.
Visible light energy […]
Back in the 1920’s Tilden’s book, entitled Toxemia, espoused the notion that all disease is a result of the body’s inability to rid itself of accumulated toxic wastes. All kinds […]
About Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented black tea, Jun is a fermented green tea. Each require their own culture or starter which looks like a white rubbery pancake, called a […]
Self Testing is a life-long skill which is well worth the time and trouble it may take to develop it. You can save money, and know if any of your […]
Tinnitus – Ringing in the Ears
Let’s start with the obvious. This is from the Mayo Clinic
“Medications that can cause tinnitus
A number of medications may cause […]
A Different Approach to Cancer
Cancer is a symptom of a sick body. So should our therapies target the cancer, or, the sick body? Poisoning it and radiating it makes […]
This post describes in more detail the research and clinical findings of the three electro-medicine devices reported in Vitamin Electron that were researched and developed by Bob […]
Overview: This diet focuses on avoiding an insulin response which promotes deposition of fat, supporting a high metabolic rate, and redirecting food energy to muscle instead of fat. The major […]
This post will be a hodge-podge of topics likely unrelated to each other, but at least will come up in a search.
Food Poisoning
People with food poisoning, drug overdoses, […]
The Zyto Compass is a ‘bio-communication’ device, in a sense, because during a ‘scan’ when your hand is on the cradle it ‘pings’ you with very small digital signals and […]
How do these this all fit together
In 1994, the National Institutes of Health established the term ‘biofield’, calling it an ensemble or matrix of different energies that extend outward […]
Over the years successful therapeutic diets tend to morph in name but not in substance. That is, the same dietary lessons are learned over and over again, and then introduced […]
It is becoming apparent that electrons themselves are an important nutrient to address inflammation which is why I call them a Vitamin in the title. I hope you are […]
German New Medicine (GNM) contributes immensely to our efforts of finding the nature of the stressor that erodes our health. Dr. Hamer has correlated tens of […]
Have you ever been pushed into a corner to do something you really didn’t want to do – not because it was bad but because …you just didn’t know whether […]
The Search for the Cure
A search on the Internet for a cure for psoriasis or even eczema leads you to some very frustrating info even to the most patient […]
Basic Concepts
Say you have a joint problem or a particular muscle problem. You should know that the origin of that pain is NOT where the pain […]
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
We now live in a sea of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) that we cannot see. That is a reality that will not go away. EMF sources include power […]
Consider this…..
I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.** Important Warning **
Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)
** Important Posts **
- ► I Went to the Doctor and the Doctor Said…
- ► THE Technical Info on the Herbs
- ► Uh oh, what was I supposed to do when I think I’m getting sick?
- ► Fatigue: The Mother of All Disease
- ► Uh oh, my kid is sick again
- ► Childhood Disorders (ADHD, Behavior Disorders, etc.)
- ► Too Busy to do Healthy
- ► Of Drugs, OTCs and Black Electrical Tape
- ► Pat’s book – Spiritual Disciplines for Physical and Emotional Healing
In case you were wondering..
B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.** Join the Discussion **
This website is a work in progress and a sharing tool. Feel free to use the comment forms to share your tried and true 'something natural'.