You want me to do WHAT?

An enema washes out the rectum and lower colon.

An enema is a lower colon wash.  Like a nasal or sinus wash using a Neti pot, an enema is washing out the lower part of the colon.  Typically one resorts to an enema to resolve constipation.  But many lower pelvic inflammations (and serious diagnoses) can be resolved with this simple cheap therapy (including those involving the prostate, uterus (menstrual problems), bladder and colon/rectum). These problems are thought to arise from the presence of old fecal material that accumulates in the flexure above the rectum because, after this material (hard rock-like material) comes out, these kinds of problems subside. Like the first time doing anything, it may feel awkward, however it is well worth the effort.  Early naturopaths considered this a life-saving procedure and health-improving regular practice.  Back in the 1920’s Tilden’s book, entitled Toxemia, espoused the notion that all disease is a result of the body’s inability to rid itself of accumulated toxic wastes.

Enema kits can be found in the pharmacy section of most stores. An enema kit is comprised of a bag, which looks like a hot water bottle (and can be used as one), a tube with a clamp to regulate the flow, and an insertion tip (or set of tips as the same arrangement can also be used to do a douche).  These are more versatile than the little Fleet enema kits, which often do not provide sufficient liquid.  The Fleet kits, however may be

The enema kit can be found in most stores with a pharmacy section.

easier to use and can be refilled several times if needed.


How-to Do the Warm Water Enema

Enemas simply fill the lower part of the colon with water to encourage elimination or to remove old/hardened material lodged therein.

To take an enema…,

  • fill the bag with filtered warm water (hose clamp closed) and hang the bag about 4 to 5 feet above the floor.
  • Lubricate the tip with olive oil before inserting.
  • Get down on elbows and knees (shoulders down – butt up position), near the toilet.
  • Insert the tip gently into the rectum.  Do not use force.  Open the hose clamp and allow the water to slowly drain into the rectum in small amounts by squeezing the clamp on the supply tube.  Simply add a little water and wait 5-10 seconds and repeat.  Flooding the area too quickly will create the urge to eliminate and usually only the water comes out.
  • Eliminate as soon as you feel a strong urge.  There is a difference between a minor sensation (which will pass when you stop adding water) and a major urge :~)  With practice you will know the difference.

If you eliminate a lot of material, you do not need to repeat this process.  However, if only water comes out, repeat this and try to retain as much water as possible for a longer a time (up to 20 min).  During this time lay on your back and massage the colon area (inside the pelvic cavity) in a circular motion.   Using strokes #1 and #5 at this link are helpful.   This often will relax the muscles, move the water, and loosen some of the old material, which will wash out with the water.  If no water comes out that means your colon absorbed it and that is fine.  You may be dehydrated (and your intelligent body seized the chance to get some water) so drink more water and try again in a day or two.

Enemas are sometimes more effective after being on an herbal program for about two weeks because certain herbs will encourage the colon wall to make sufficient mucus to eliminate some of the stubborn material in the colon.  Enemas may then be given every other night for a week and then once a week for a month, after that tapering down to once a month.  (This once-a-month practice can help men to avoid prostate problems by keeping the adjacent rectal flexure clean.)   It’s easy.


When-to Do the Warm Water Enema

Warm water enemas are VERY helpful at the onset of a cold, flu, sinus flare-up, or a headache/ migraine.  Often a headache is caused by toxic material in the liver that has been absorbed from the colon, especially in people who are constipated and who get dehydrated (don’t drink sufficient water).  Diligence in applying this remedy shows you which of your symptoms is alleviated with this cheap and quick practice.


Using Other Liquids besides Water

Why?  The rectum may be the ONLY available avenue to help a person.  The portal vein (to the liver) and the lymphatic system may be reached effectively in this fashion to turn ‘impossible’ situations around.   If the digestion is wrecked by medical intervention or inflammation and the person is wasting, cannot nourish themselves or ‘hold things down’, this option is a life-saver.   Injecting other liquids into the emptied colon to be retained for a period of time for therapeutic purposes is called an ‘implant’ or retention enema.   This approach has historical therapeutic precedence.  It is always best to do a plain-water enema first unless the bowels have recently completely emptied.

One must bear in mind that liquids that are used must be in the absorbable form as there is no digestive capacity in the lower colon.  This rules out most foods.  Consider this avenue as an opportunity to repair digestive function.  This includes the liver and clearing the portal circulation and lymphatic debris.  It is advisable to be very familiar with the basic warm water enema described above before attempting retention enemas described below.   The goal is to get the body to absorb the implant totally.  It takes practice to get to that point.

These are some implements that are helpful when doing a retention enema, or ‘implant’. Click to enlarge.

Practical Aspects of Retention Enemas.  Because the lower colon does not have the volume of the stomach, implants are best done in small amounts and often.  An easy delivery system for very small amounts is a simple 20 cc (4 teaspoon) syringe with a rectal tip or short piece of tubing.  (The tubing has an ID of 3/16″ and OD of 5/16″ and can be found at hardware stores.  Cut to 4″ long and soften one end with heat.)

  • Warm a small shot glass, the syringe and tip/tube by submerging in hot water.  (If the implant is already warm this is not necessary.)
  • Pour the item to be implanted into the shot glass to be warmed.
  • Pull the warmed liquid into the syringe.
  • Attach the tip/tube and point tip upwards to tap out air bubbles, slightly closing the syringe to expel air and bring the liquid to the tip, ready to be implanted.
  • Lubricate the tip with an oil

Another easy delivery system is an empty Fleet enema bottle (found in the pharmacy section).  This may be better for herbal tea implants and can even be used for the coffee enema described below.  These bottles only hold 1/2 cup which is a good amount with which to begin.

Important with implants is to not stimulate the bowel to eject.  Quick ejection is triggered by

  • adding a cold liquid,
  • adding too much liquid or
  • adding it too quickly, OR
  • a bowel that wasn’t completely emptied.

So if you sense the beginnings of the urge to eliminate, do not add more implant until it subsides.  If you cannot add more without creating the urge then this is likely all you may be able to contain.  Doing the Abdominal Massage especially steps #2 and 3,  creates more room in that area and would be a very important part of your daily routine.


The Coffee Enema (for liver detoxing)

The most well known retention enema is the coffee enema.  It has been an important component in the early successful alternative cancer treatments.  This simply means putting brewed coffee in the enema bag instead of water.  Coffee enemas were widely written about in the 1920’s and were popular with the ‘natural hygiene’ group before the drug era swept the US.  The coffee enema was mentioned in the Merck Manual up until 1977 when it was removed due to lack of space for all the pharmaceuticals that were being introduced.  Since there are thousands of toxic chemicals in/on our foods, it is understandable that our livers can be overburdened by the chemicals.

So why coffee?   When coffee enters the bowel, it goes to the liver (portal vein) and increases bile production.  Bile is the river that carries toxins from the body.    The connection is that cancer results from an accumulation of toxins compromising many other of the liver’s functions.  So follow these steps…..

  • Since the bile dumps into the small intestine where we absorb things, I recommend preceding the coffee enema with an oral toxin absorber like Hydrated Bentonite (#1725-9) – 1 tablespoon stirred into 8 oz of water and drunk immediately.  The reason for this is to absorb the toxin-laden bile.  You may be fine skipping this step, but if the coffee retention enema produces nausea/headache or other unpleasantries, this is why.  If you are prone to headaches, it may be prudent to take several capsules of Activated Charcoal (#366-2) at that time as well.
  • The next step is to clear out the lower colon with the basic warm water enema as above.  If you have just had a bowel movement, the warm water enema step may not be necessary as the lower bowel should be empty.  But it is insurance that the coffee implant won’t be immediately ejected.
  • Prepare fully caffeinated coffee (Folgers ‘Red Can’ is recommended by some practitioners).  Add two tablespoons coffee to two cups water boiled in a stainless steel pot or prepared in a common coffee maker.  Strain and allow to cool to slightly warmer than body temperature.
  • Fill the enema bag with the warm coffee and slowly insert about ½ (1 cup) and retain for about 10 minutes.  Lie on the left side if that position allows you to retain the coffee.  When the bile moves, a gurgling sound is often experienced under the lower right rib.  After ten minutes or so, empty whatever is not absorbed from the first dose of coffee and take the second dose.  Again try to retain for 10 minutes before emptying. (This should NOT be done before bedtime for those who don’t sleep well after consuming coffee.)

Note: Repeatedly doing these weakens the body.  If a person is already in a weakened state begin with Aloe Juice (see below).


Other Implants (for nourishing or detoxing)

For nourishing implants, Aloe Vera Juice would top the list.  It contains absorbable vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polysaccharides, which are anti-oxidant and immuno-stimulating and anti-inflammatory.  Begin here for all kinds of debility especially the ‘can’t keep anything down’ variety.

A Cramp Relief tea implant can help with nerve pain and spasms which is a common element of debility.  Open 3-4 capsules into a 2-cup Pyrex measuring cup with a pour spout.  Add 1 cup boiling water and allow to steep to just warmer than body temperature.  After clearing the lower bowel with a warm water enema first, implant this tea.  The Fleet bottle or syringe may be a better delivery here than the enema kit.

Diluted Hydrochloric Acid preparations are described at that link as are the important applications for which it is effective, including cancer.  This implant should be considered for all lymphatic concerns as it helps with the elimination of accumulated cellular debris.  The syringe may be the best delivery system.

Other therapeutic implants include Apple Cider Vinegar, and Garlic, or probiotics.  Sometimes it is recommend to blenderize fresh garlic (1 clove/2 cups warm water) for colds or flu.  Dilute half with warm water in the bag.


©Pat Block ND 2007



2 Responses to Enemas (The ‘E’ word)

  1. Nan Dee says:

    I have a question about enemas and leakage. I have a hard time holding any amount of liquid in the rectum. I even got a silicone tip that is longer than usual with a ballon-type thing to inflate to prevent liquid from coming out, and that doesn’t work either. It is a huge problem. If I lie down to insert the liquid, it starts leaking out while on the floor and makes a mess. Or if I use some old washcloths around the tip-tube for the leaks, it will gush out the minute I change positions to get up onto the toilet. This makes a huge mess. For someone who has autoimmune issues and back pain, getting up and down off the floor is not easy either, nor is all the bending and acrobatics involved with getting that tip in there.

    With the basic enema kit from the drugstore, the clamp does not fully close off the flow either.

    I would appreciate helpful advice as it is frustrating to be willing to try these self-help therapies and not be able to do them. I have had colonics, which cost $$$. And when I was much younger I could hold the liquid for coffee enemas and regular enemas, but not now.


    • PatBlockND says:

      Hello Nan Dee,
      Let me say this first…You do not want to apply any pressure inserting the enema tip. The reason for your dilemma is usually a compressed sigmoid colon.
      This situation can arise from bearing down to have a bowel movement, or, from very full bowels exerting pressure downward. Both can compress the last section of the bowel (sigmoid colon) impairing flow either in or out. It is important to correct this compression and I would strongly recommend doing the ab massage. Commit to it for 2 months and see if any of your bowel issues resolve.


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