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Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)
The Laying-on-of-Hands Affects the Energy Flows of the Body
Introduction – The Body has an Unseen Energetic Field
Unseen energetic flows circulate around and through the body providing energy needed by our internal organs. In 1994, the National Institutes of Health established the term ‘biofield’, calling it an ensemble or matrix of different energies that extend beyond the skin. The biofield is comprised of many energies associated with the life process itself. Although subtle these flows are measurable and critical. The tissues of our body need nutrients. But they also depend on a continuous energetic flow. Research concerning the body’s electric and other energetic properties is not scarce. Useful and convincing research is found in books like The Body Electric and Cross Currents by Robert Becker, MD, Biologically Closed Electric Circuits by Bjorn Nordenstrom, MD, and The Fields of Life by Harold S. Burr. These references point out that electric current traverses living things in specific channels, AND that incomplete or interrupted or distortion in those flows lead to disease, AND that completed and balanced currents reverse disease. (Electric currents give rise to electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields induce electric currents on conductors and these are inseparable.)
It is also important to know that human tissue is like a liquid crystal whose functioning depends on its composition as well as the energetic fields in which it resides. Ever present stress imbalances us and yet there is a simple way to restore balance to ourselves or others by something as simple and accessible as our own hands.
Can we access and improve distorted/stagnated/interrupted energy flows?
Enter the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu translated ‘The Creator’s Art through
Compassionate Man’.
Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is the ancient art of the laying-on-of-hands which happens to accomplish the connection or completion of these energetic flows (internal and external communication) around the body by a process explained as ‘jumper cabling’ – i.e. placing the two hands on specific places on the body in specific sequences (called ‘flows’) in order to unlock energy stagnation about the body. For a video representation showing some of these flows follow the instructions in the caption. Under stress or trauma situations these ‘safety energy locks or ‘factors’’ (SELs), like little circuit breakers, become dysfunctional. The flows upstream and downstream of these SELs becomes impaired as does the function of the organs and tissues enervated or supplied by these energetic flows. When these flows are interrupted or impaired, the SELs become sore to palpation. According to Jin Shin Jyutsu, pain is due to energy stagnation.
The practitioner simply touches the body in a specific sequence with the open hand or holds the fingers or toes. Often people report feeling twitching or warmth or shock-like feelings in certain areas of the body or along the skin surface (not related to where the hands are actually touching the body). These sensations often indicate a re-opening of the energetic flow to/through that area. Often these flows are restagnated by stress but some resonance devices can help hold the SELs open.
These laying-on-of-hands sequences can be done on yourself to open up blocked energy flows. The points to hold are shown in the SEL diagram below.
General Self-Help Applications/Exercises
1. Laying hands on yourself – Simple Finger/Hand Holds
There are many self-help ‘holds’ or ‘sequences’ that a person can do on themselves. (There are self-help classes given by those trained in JSJ and the self-help books can be purchased from the JSJ website.) The simplest of the self-help ‘holds’ are the finger holds which involve sequentially holding each of the fingers (gently) until pulses can be felt.
This can be done most anywhere but doing it while peacefully reclining allows you to sense how your body responds to each. Begin by comfortably holding your thumb with your other hand until you feel it pulsing. Note what you feel and hear (like abdominal gurgling or warm water sensations on the skin). Then sequence through all the fingers of both hands that way. You will notice that the time it takes for a pulsation to develop varies with each finger. The longer it takes for this pulsation to develop indicates a greater degree of blockage in the energetic flows servicing that set of organs (see below). In fact, many people (even children) find themselves unconsciously holding a certain finger or set of fingers while their hands are resting in their lap. It is also likely that babies suck certain fingers for the same reasons.
Each of the fingers represents a set of organs/functional grouping:
Finger hold
Organs affected
Unbalancing emotion
Thumb | Stomach/Spleen/Lymph/WBCs | Worry vs Security |
Index finger | Kidney/Bladder/Brain/Bones/Teeth | Fear/suspicion vs Trust |
Middle finger | Liver/RBCs/Gall Bladder/Nerves | Anger/resentment vs Compassion |
Ring finger | Large Intestine/Lung/Sinus | Grief/loss vs Letting go |
Little finger | Heart/Blood Vessels/Endocrines/Sm Intestine | Effort/“trying to” vs Just BE-ing |
Distortions in any of your fingers may indicate which unbalancing emotion you are prone to and the organs of your body affected thereby.
2. Laying hands on yourself –Aiding proper circulation of the energy flows.
As energy circulates the body in its densing down to form matter (aka our tissue), the proper direction of the flow is mostly down the front and up the back. These directional flows can become ‘intermingled’ and stagnated or attenuated or even reversed. The result is lowered function and often pain. This self-help is nice to do at night or while reading or viewing TV, movies, etc.
Place your right hand on your left shoulder near to the neck and palpate for hardness or tenderness. Your fingers will wrap around to your back and almost touch your spine around T1. This is SEL 11 in the diagram. Then place your left hand under your left sit bone (SEL 25). Hold these points until they synchronously pulse. Then move your left hand to the crease where your left leg is attached to your torso in the front (SEL 15). Hold these points until they synchronously pulse. Then repeat this sequence on the other side of the body beginning with your left hand on your right shoulder.
3. Laying hands on yourself – The Main Central Vertical Harmonizing Energy Sequence
This sequence opens, strengthens, and balances the main energy flow – or the major faucets of energy into the energy circulation. It helps headaches, digestion, spine projects, hip projects, sinuses, emotional and mental stress, fatigue and insomnia, etc.
Lay in a comfortable position on your back. You may prop pillows under your arms/legs during the sequence to hold arms comfortably in position in order to completely relax during each step. Hold each of the locations indicated in each step below a minimum of three to five minutes or until a synchronous pulsation can be felt in the finger pads of both hands.
Right hand finger pads
Left hand finger pads
1 | Top center of the head | Middle of the forehead |
2 | (same) | Tip of the nose |
3 | (same) | Center of sternum (breastbone) |
4 | (same) | Just below the sternum (on the stomach) |
5 | (same) | Pubic bone |
6 | Base of the spine (coccyx) | Pubic bone |
Although, many feel the results the first time through this sequence, it is good to commit to doing this flow for 7-14 days.
Both the finger holds and this sequence can be done anytime but people find it most convenient to do at night.
One hold that my clients with heart issues have found particularly useful is called the heart hold. Any heart symptoms, even high blood pressure, seem to normalize while doing this simple hold.
With the right hand, gently hold the ring and little finger of your left hand such that the palm sides of the fingers are contacting. With the index and middle finger of the left hand, touch the left side of your sternum, or where ever your heart symptoms are felt. Hold this position until synchronous pulses can be felt.
If you have been diagnosed with heart issues or have any heart symptoms, doing this hold daily will begin to enervate your heart to function properly. You can also do this with any heart symptoms.
©Pat Block ND 2007 Revised 2011
7 Responses to Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)
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Consider this…..
I have learned more from very sick people than I have from double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over studies. My sick clients taught me how to get them well - things that even my teachers didn't know. I have such smart clients.** Important Warning **
Nothing on this site is FDA approved. Nothing I write here is intended to be medical advice. Follow my recommendations at your own risk. Results may vary, and blah, blah, blah. So if the required warnings have not scared you away, then you have a chance. I'm reporting here what kinds of approaches actually helped very sick people get well, AND the kinds of things that actually made them sick (and it usually isn't lack of exercise, weight, menopause or smoking - it is the underlying cause of all those things.)
** Important Posts **
- ► I Went to the Doctor and the Doctor Said…
- ► THE Technical Info on the Herbs
- ► Uh oh, what was I supposed to do when I think I’m getting sick?
- ► Fatigue: The Mother of All Disease
- ► Uh oh, my kid is sick again
- ► Childhood Disorders (ADHD, Behavior Disorders, etc.)
- ► Too Busy to do Healthy
- ► Of Drugs, OTCs and Black Electrical Tape
- ► Pat’s book – Spiritual Disciplines for Physical and Emotional Healing
In case you were wondering..
B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, b=bedtime. Make sure to read What to Expect on an Herbal Program (in the Herb menu) before beginning. Dosages given are about what my clients benefit from. You may be different. Begin slowly and see how each recommendation benefits you.** Join the Discussion **
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I am enjoying reading through your site. So easy to read & follow.
Great job with a new look!
Hi Pat- I am unsure where to find the information on the theophostic type prayer. Could you please direct me to the corect location on your website?
Under consultation policies at the bottom
Pat – Is there a proper sequence to hold the SEL points? Am I to hold SEL 11 and then sequence through every single point on the left side (front and back), and then move to the right side? Any further source of information on how to do this correctly? Thanks. Jordan
Hey Jordan,
You can info on self-help classes as well as the full 5-day classes on the JSJ website.
Hello, I would like to know the Bible reference to the “leaves of the trees, herbs of the field and the laying on of hands” please. I have found it before but now I can not find it after searching many online Bible references.
I admire your work and thoughts.
Thank you!
Hey Kim,
The phrase you refer to is a compilation of concepts I put together from study and observation (Ps 24:32). First, herbs are both ancient and future remedies ( Ez 47:12, Rev 22:2). They are part of all cultures and clearly God’s provision.
The ‘laying on of hands’ was considered one of the ‘doctrines’ of the early church (Heb 6:2) which was not elaborated further. But ancient cultures, in particular oriental cultures, have many therapeutic healing modalities using the hands.